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- TidBITS#21/17-Sep-90
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
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- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
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- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- System 7.0 in '91
- Truth in PostScript
- Removable Cartridge Flap
- Claris HyperCard 2.0
- The next NeXTs
- Reviews/17-Sep-90
- System 7.0 in '91
- -----------------
- Vaporware has become all too prevalent in this day and age of
- knee-jerk competition. Announcements are made to get a jump on
- competitors or to steal competitors' thunder, but the products
- seldom follow the announcements as closely as we would like. An
- unfortunate example of this problem came this spring, when Radius
- announced, and then shipped, the Pivot monitor. The next week,
- PCPC announced the Flipper - going Radius one better by adding
- 16-bit color. Has anyone seen the Flipper yet?
- Even Apple is not immune from the perils of vaporware, with System
- 7.0 working its way into the Vaporware Hall of Fame. A press
- release this week made official what many of us have suspected for
- some time - that System 7.0 has slipped yet again, to the first
- half of 1991. The good news is that it is in beta test release
- now, which presumably means that developers are getting a version
- of System 7.0 that they can really work with, in contrast to the
- alpha release many received at the Developers' Conference. This
- should help developers finish up the System 7.0-specific features
- in their applications. At least Microsoft has announced that it
- will not ship updates to Excel or Word until System 7.0 comes out
- because it wishes to take advantage of the advanced capabilities
- present in System 7.0.
- Apple has taken a lot of grief for announcing System 7.0 so far in
- advance of whatever the ship date may be, but Apple's position is
- unenviable. For System 7.0 to become the standard system software
- for most Macs, there must be a reason to switch in the form of
- System 7.0-studly applications, to borrow Apple's parlance. Had
- Apple merely positioned System 7.0 as an upgrade to System 6.0.5,
- it would likely have met the same fate as Microsoft's DOS 4.01,
- which has had underwhelming support from users since DOS 3.3 does
- basically the same things without the hassle of upgrading. Of
- course it doesn't help that DOS upgrades are seldom free, whereas
- System 7.0 will probably follow the Apple policy of free disk
- distribution and $49 manuals. At this point, it seems obvious to
- us that Apple is trying to get System 7.0 out the door as fast as
- possible, but without real competition (and Windows doesn't count,
- as many surveys have shown so far), Apple sees no need to release
- System 7.0 before it is really done. Considering what System 7.0
- will do for everyone when properly applied, I personally can wait
- a while until Apple is ready to release the latest and greatest.
- Apple Computer -- 408/974-3019
- Information from:
- Adam C. Engst -- TidBITS Editor
- Apple propaganda
- Truth in PostScript
- -------------------
- Well, the font wars aren't exactly over, but a major flag-waving
- went on recently when Apple and Adobe reconciled their
- differences. That's literally all anyone knows because Apple and
- Adobe announced that they would be working more closely. This of
- course leaves the entire issue open for speculating, which I
- intend to enjoy doing.
- Consider the major players in this whole fiasco, Apple, Adobe, and
- Microsoft. Others have interests and even some sway, but the
- entire battle was between those three. Apple and Microsoft
- announced that they were working on TrueType, a display font
- rasterizer to compete with Adobe Type Manager (now available for
- both the Mac and Windows). In addition, they would use TrueImage,
- a PostScript clone owned by Microsoft, instead of licensing
- PostScript from Adobe. This scared Adobe into releasing the specs
- on its proprietary encrypted Type 1 fonts, so now font vendors can
- be selected among based on price and quality since everyone can
- have Type 1 fonts.
- The problem with TrueType is not its technical design, but simply
- the amount of time that goes into creating a font rasterizer.
- Adobe knows the business better than most, and Apple and Microsoft
- had to recreate what Adobe has done for the most part. Once Adobe
- released the Type 1 specs (and many say once Jean-Louis Gassee
- left Apple), it became clear that it would be easier and cheaper
- to work with Adobe rather than against them. Especially since
- Microsoft is in many ways working against Apple as well, it might
- be hard for Apple to help Microsoft create a technology that would
- cut into Macintosh sales. Ideally, Adobe and Apple would meld the
- technically positive parts of TrueType into ATM and then bundle
- ATM with the rest of the system software, at least until that
- technology could be built into the system. Then users would only
- have one type standard to worry about, which was the major threat
- behind TrueType all along.
- None of this may reflect on the reality of the situation, because
- corporate relationships are only slightly less stable than those
- depicted on daytime television. One way or another, Apple and
- Adobe can only benefit from working together to solidify both
- PostScript and the Macintosh.
- Information from:
- Adam C. Engst -- TidBITS Editor
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 11-Sep-90, Vol. 4, #30, pg 1
- InfoWorld -- 10-Sep-90, Vol. 12, #37, pg. 1
- Removable Cartridge Flap
- ------------------------
- I somehow missed the very beginning of this discussion on Usenet,
- but the topic seemed clear and important enough nonetheless.
- Apparently several people have had instances in which they believe
- a SyQuest drive trashed their hard disk (so watch out for roaming
- SyQuest drives!). No one was able to confirm that the problem was
- absolutely linked to the drive and there is no reason to believe
- that the SyQuest mechanisms in general have problems. (For those
- wary of the SyQuest mechanisms, Iomega now has Bernoulli drives
- that are probably more reliable given their method of operation.)
- Some people suggested the possibility, and one with which I've
- fought recently, that there were problems with the SCSI chain
- which resulted in the damaged hard drives.
- Essentially, the SCSI theory is that the first and last devices in
- the chain must be terminated. Everything else should not be
- terminated. I think the maximum length of a SCSI chain is 16', but
- don't hold me to that. The problem I ran into involved a Mac Plus,
- a LaserWriter SC (no termination), a Dataframe XP60 (internally
- terminated) and a PLI SyQuest drive (also internally terminated).
- The only way this setup would work was if the XP60 was hooked to
- either the LaserWriter SC or the PLI Infinity, but not both at
- once. The LaserWriter only worked when hooked to the XP60 if it
- wasn't externally terminated, in defiance of the rules, and the
- PLI Infinity only worked if it was connected to the XP60 by a
- short cable, was the last device in the chain, and was turned on
- first. I tried invoking a few daemons, but they were no more
- effective than applying the rules.
- In any event, if you are using a SyQuest drive and are having
- troubles, try to isolate the drive as much as possible and test
- it. Some problems are related to the fact that the mechanism is
- hot and the media doesn't like the heat (for this reason BMUG
- (Berkeley Macintosh Users' Group) recommends the DPI SyQuest
- drive). Other problems are undoubtedly related to the termination
- problems I mentioned above, so getting a SyQuest drive with
- external termination (APS SyQuest drives have been recommended on
- the net and have external termination) will make your SCSI trial-
- and-error session more productive. If you already have a drive
- with internal termination, the company you purchased it from can
- tell you how to remove the termination resistors, at which point
- you can buy a normal external terminator and try that. A final
- possibility is that internal termination takes its power from the
- drive, whereas external termination gets power from the Mac on
- some models, at least. Thus, if the SyQuest drive is turned off,
- the termination might not be working as expected. Of course, all
- bets are off if you are using a Mac IIfx.
- Now that SCSI-2 has been ratified (ratified: to be thrown before
- the rats, or whatever standards committees do - actually I'm not
- sure of that except for the fact that the new NeXT machines have
- SCSI-2) Apple will of course implement it fully in the Mac IV and
- there will be no more problems. Or at least very few. In the
- meantime, I'm trying to remember those incantations.
- Information from:
- Adam C. Engst -- TidBITS Editor
- Robert K Shull -- rob@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu
- John Heckendorn -- bmug@garnet.berkeley.edu
- a phil sohn -- sohn@Apple.COM
- R. Crispin -- psych@watserv1.waterloo.edu
- Claris HyperCard 2.0
- --------------------
- A reader recently commented that it would be great if we could
- provide short abstracts with the titles in the distribution files
- (for those of us who can't sight-read either Binhex or StuffIt
- format :-)). We unfortunately had to reject his suggestion because
- writing abstracts for such short articles is kind of odd anyway,
- and TidBITS only takes about three minutes to download at 2400
- baud one way or another. We could do so with the knowledge that
- the distribution files for TidBITS II will be human-readable, thus
- eliminating our reader's problem.
- The title of this article, though, says it all. Apple transferred
- responsibility for the development, marketing, distribution, and
- support of HyperCard to Claris, effective in November. For those
- of you keeping score, this would seem to mean that HyperCard is no
- longer considered System Software, which is distributed solely by
- Apple. On the other hand, with Claris firmly in hand as a wholly-
- owned subsidiary, Apple can farm out anything it wants to Claris
- without fear of competition or leaks (short of the usual ones that
- supply MacWEEK's Mac the Knife with rumor fodder each week).
- Two features of the press release were ominous though. The first
- one was a sentence that reads "The first broad US distribution of
- the new HyperCard 2.0 ... will be a Claris product." This would
- imply, at face value, that HyperCard will not be available until
- November. However, the press release does say that a version of
- HyperCard will continue to be shipped with all new Macs (thanks to
- Bill Atkinson for specifying that originally). We hope that Apple
- will ship HyperCard 2.0 with the new Macs being introduced in
- mid-October, but it's hard to tell since the hold-ups seem to be
- political in part, rather than just technical setbacks. Another
- indication of this is that the HyperCard engineers have started
- posting more frequently on Usenet. The second ominous part of the
- press release was the part that said "A complete HyperCard 2.0
- authoring system, necessary for developing stacks, will be sold by
- Claris." Combined with the bit about a version shipping with new
- Macs, this implies that there would be two versions of HyperCard,
- one that was read-only version and another that allowed authoring
- (much like ToolBook). The good news? There will be only ONE
- version of HyperCard. The press release is misleading and poorly
- worded, and thanks to Chuq Von Rospach for clearing this up on the
- nets. The main difference will be that the bundled version will be
- set at a low user level (so novices cannot mess anything up
- inadvertently) and the procedure for switching to a higher user
- level will be hidden. The positive side of this is that Claris
- will presumably be distributing useful developer tools with the
- commercial version and developer tools are what made HyperCard
- popular by greatly extending its abilities. Claris will also
- provide developer support, which is always nice to have around in
- a pinch.
- As long as Apple continues to provide a full working version of
- HyperCard with every Macintosh for free, we see no problems with
- the transfer to Claris. In some ways now, Claris is little more
- than another Apple division, albeit one with a name recognizable
- in the market and the staff and structure to develop and sell
- software. Perhaps Claris will be better than Apple about getting
- stuff out the door as well. :-) The free distribution policy was
- key in HyperCard's popularity, though it did bias the market
- against commercial stacks. The only way HyperCard will disappear
- now is if it can be completely supplanted by Apple's planned
- system scripting language, and we refuse to even hazard a guess as
- to when that will show its face.
- Apple Computer -- 408/974-3019
- Claris -- 408/987-7202 -- 408/987-7534
- Information from:
- Adam C. Engst -- TidBITS Editor
- Chuq Von Rospach -- chuq@apple.com
- Mark Wilkins -- wilkins@jarthur.Claremont.EDU
- David Emery -- emery@linus.mitre.org
- Jeanne a. e. Devoto -- jdevoto@apple.com
- Apple propaganda
- The next NeXTs
- --------------
- Last week, NeXT announced a new line-up of computers, all based on
- the Motorola 68040 chip. The computers range from the $4995
- standard NeXTstation (monochrome display, 8 megabytes of RAM, 105
- megabyte hard disk, 2.8 megabyte floppy that also reads and writes
- DOS disks) to the $29,295 Division Server (monochrome display, 64
- megabytes of RAM, two 1.4 gigabyte hard disks). Color NeXTs are
- included in the line-up, and NeXT also announced version 2.0 of
- NeXTStep.
- The smaller, less expandable NeXTs are now housed in pizza box-
- style boxes that (unlike pizza boxes) are sturdy enough to hold
- the MegaPixel Displays, whereas the more expensive, more
- expandable NeXTs remain traditional cubes. The 256 megabyte
- optical drive is only available as an option in the cubes. Color
- NeXTstations start at $7995 and with the NeXTDimension boards,
- have the ability to take in and play up to 60 minutes of real time
- video. To avoid the storage crunch with video, JPEG (I don't know
- what it stands for) image compression from C-Cubed is built in and
- the compression amounts are user-selectable. For those wishing to
- trade data around, the 2.8 megabyte floppy is good, but a third
- party, Pacific Microelectronics, now has a 1.4 megabyte floppy
- that reads and writes IBM, Mac, and NeXT formats.
- Along with the computer announcements, NeXT emphasized the amount
- of "personal productivity" software available or soon-to-be-
- available for the NeXT. FrameMaker, Wingz, and WriteNow are among
- those currently available; Improv (from Lotus and hopefully not a
- Jazzed-up version of 1-2-3), WordPerfect, SoftPC 2.0, MicroPhone
- II, PowerStep (a spreadsheet from Ashton-Tate), and Adobe
- Illustrator are among those coming real soon now. Another
- "announced-but-not-shipping" program is HyperCube, a HyperCard-
- like program from Thoughtful Software. If HyperCube uses NeXTStep
- and allows non-C programmers to develop useful applications, it
- could be an extremely popular program. Heck, I'd buy it.
- Will the new NeXTs catch on? I often consult on computer purchases
- and have showed many people what the NeXT is like, but most of
- them were merely curious, knowing its price was out of reach. With
- Display PostScript, Unix, graphical interface, DSP (digital sound
- processor) chip, and optical 256 megabyte read/write drive, the
- NeXT stacked up a great array of features for a price that few
- individuals could afford. The new pricing puts the price of a
- low-end NeXT in the same range as the cost of a Mac II setup. I
- expect to see more people at least seriously considering the NeXT,
- although issues surrounding compatibility with existing systems
- should still be a major factor in some people's minds. (We
- wouldn't be adverse to seeing a Mac emulator, perhaps based on
- ROMlib, along with SoftPC.) If NeXT can ship its machines soon
- (NeXT hopes to sometime this fall), and if Motorola can supply the
- needed 68040 chips in a timely fashion, then the NeXT could become
- a major force in the computer industry.
- Pacific Microelectronics -- 415/948-6200
- Information from:
- Tonya Byard -- TidBITS Editor
- NeXT's Fall 1990 "List Prices" brochure
- Related articles:
- InfoWorld -- 17-Sep-90, Vol. 12, #37, pg. 6
- InfoWorld -- 17-Sep-90, Vol. 12, #37, pg. 17
- MacWEEK -- 11-Sep-90, Vol. 4, #30, pg 1
- InfoWorld -- 10-Sep-90, Vol. 12, #36, pg. 5
- InfoWorld -- 27-Aug-90, Vol. 12, #35, pg. 1
- PC WEEK -- 27-Aug-90, Vol. 7, #34 , pg. 1
- Reviews/17-Sep-90
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Disk Recovery Tools, pg. 29
- MacTools Deluxe
- 911 Utilities
- Norton Utilities
- SUM II 2.0
- if:X Forms Designer, pg. 38
- Adobe Type Manager 2.0 , pg. 38
- DesignCAD 2.3 , pg. 40
- Nisus 3.01, pg. 42
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 18-Sep-90, Vol. 4, #31
- ..
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